Single Implant with Implant Crown in the Posterior Region

Case ID: 3500

Individual results may vary.

Case Details

This patient wants a tooth gap in the mouth to be filled with a dental implant and implant crown. This case is straightforward since this is a healed site (the tooth had been extracted over a year ago), there is available bone in all 3 dimensions (sufficient bone width, height, and length) and is not in close proximity to any vital structures (nerves, arteries, etc.) so therefore the patient does not require any additional soft tissue or bone grafting procedures, etc. As a result, a desired (and ideal) size of dental implant for this particular site is placed with no issues.

View Angle: left-side
Before Image: Single Implant with Implant Crown in the Posterior Region - left-side


After Image: Single Implant with Implant Crown in the Posterior Region - left-side


Description: The type of implant crown fabricated for this particular patient is a screw-retained crown which is depicted by the visible screw channel access hole on the occlusal (top) surface of the crown. The other type of implant crown that is also available to the patient is a cement-retained crown. Both options are great and viable options and the selection for either one will be based on the provider's and patient's preference and in some instances will be based on specific circumstances of the patient.

View Angle: other
Before Image: Single Implant with Implant Crown in the Posterior Region - other


After Image: Single Implant with Implant Crown in the Posterior Region - other


Description: The screw channel access hole is covered with a tooth-colored composite resin.

Other Simple Implant Placements Patients

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